by the Numbers

Every month, we share educational information that can impact your brand, business & customers; raising awareness of the power of promotional products and apparel.

Issue 2, Vol 2 | January 2020

Part 2 – Continued from January
6. Consumers Prefer American-Made Items
About 53% of consumers have a more favorable opinion of an advertiser if the promotional product was made in the U.S. versus elsewhere. Plus, stateside-produced products offer cost stability.
7. Promotional Products Have Tremendous Staying Power
Quality and utility are why people keep promo items – they’re being used, helping people at work, in school, on the field, on the go or at home. The average length of time a consumer keeps a promotional product is about one year. In terms of product categories, outerwear, umbrellas, and T-shirts stick around the longest.
8. Promo Products Make an Impression
In the U.S., outerwear generates the most impressions because it’s often worn in public places. Outerwear draws plenty of looks to whichever brand you’re representing. Other items that deliver a large number of impressions are headwear, T-shirts and writing instruments.
9. Promo Gifts Keep on Giving
After a promotional product has worn out its welcome, more than half of consumers are likely to give the item to someone else. That never-ending chain allows for endless eyeballs to view a brand & its message. Outerwear and polo shirts (68%) are most often given to another consumer, followed by T-shirts (65%), bags (61%) & mobile power banks.

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