The New Normal – Moving Forward Together

The New Normal

WOW!  Cannot think of a better word to describe 2020.  The things we all have been through to get to this point in time is astonishing.  The good news is it is almost over, but things have changed and we all have to pivot to the correct forward path in our careers and businesses to survive. 

At the start of the year who would have thought that Sanitizer, Masks and Face Coverings would have been the popular products for 2020.  Well, they were and it looks like they are here to stay. 

The old days of walking a tradeshow floor row by row, meeting potential clients face to face is now not the norm.  The new norm is Video Chats and Virtual Shows.  They too are here to stay.

We believe that now is the time to thank your employees for their efforts and loyalty to your company and to Thank your clients for sticking with you through these tough times.  Why not get them an Appreciation Tech Gift or perhaps an upgrade to their current Uniforms and Apparel.

My suggestion is to use your remaining end of year budget on those that deserve it the most. Let’s get off the 2020 Rollercoaster and get on the 2021 Train to Prosperity.

Ready to get started? Contact us! 503-663-2858 · 1-800-466-4428  or email us at

Joe at Branding Merchandise